Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Get a Site Viral Through Backlinking

Everyone has seen those wild viral videos or those bizarre tests, quizzes, funny stories and odd slideshows. Everyone has a good laugh and passes them around the office, but what does this viral content do for the creator and their site?

Going viral can do several things, it can bring notoriety to whoever created the zany video or flash game, giving the creator basically a resume that everyone has seen. Film makers and video artists can show off their skills and web or flash designers can show off theirs. There always seems to be a news story about someone making it big because of their YouTube videos have a lot of views.

Going viral can also make people money, either by advertising revenue sharing (like YouTube does) or by people hosting their own ads on their site.

Striking it rich or getting a job from viral content is hard to do, but the biggest draw of viral content is the almighty backlink. Back linking, for those who don't know, are just that, links back to a site. To site owners and webmasters, these SEO links are like gold. Every smart site owner is constantly thinking about how to get backlinks in what is called link building. This is because each backlink gives some credibility to the site it links to -- and the more credibility a linking site has, the greater the credibility given. Search engine rankings are based on this credibility, if a site has a lot of valuable backlinks, then it will rank much higher in a Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Ask, etc. search.

Higher rankings, of course, mean more viewers and more money (if the site has advertising). So most every piece of viral content burning through the Blogosphere, Facebook, Twitter, Digg and office inboxes is pointing at someone's site.

Going viral to get backlinks is the ideal way to boost a site's rankings and will trump any other sort of link building campaign, but it is quite tricky. But anyone who can take some time and create a viral video or amazing slideshow can simply sit back and wait for the backlinks to come in.

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